Category: News
A tree-mendous effort! – Sat 15th November 2014
50/50 Auction – 1st Nov 2014
Wow! The auction took place on Saturday at the HQ. We were packed to the rafters with goods and buyers and we are delighted to announce that this fundraising event raised just over £1000. This cash injection will keep the group ticking over for a few months and help pay our Scouting capitation fee next year.
A huge THANK YOU to all those who helped make this event possible.
Paint Job – September 2014
WWI Commemoration
On Sunday 7th September 2014, Scouts from both Wednesday and Friday troops joined the WWI commemoration parade in Eastleigh town centre. This parade was also in recognition of the contribution Eastleigh made during the Great War through the hospital services it provided.
Others attending were members of the Royal British Legion, Eastleigh Guides, Eastleigh Scouts and Cadets, in addition ‘The Spitfires’ (14th Eastleigh Scout and Guide Band) were present playing their latest marching tunes. The parade culminated on Eastleigh recreation ground near the war memorial.
We are very proud that our scouts were able to mark this important event in Eastleigh’s history.